
Hi everyone. It's been so long since my last solo song, Bertenang (2021). Cerita dia, this is a song I have been wanting to finish since 2022. I have had some words in my mind that I wanted to convert it into a song. But, takpernah berjaya. The first few words were Kau definisi sempurna. Akwa has been really nice from the first day I talked to him which was four years back. He is imperfectly perfect (setakat ini, haha. semoga sampai bila bila amiin). He also wrote some songs dari zaman kitaorang 'study group' for me and I was so sad that wawa takpernah berjaya to tulis one song for him. So, I guess, I made one, finally! After four years of knowing each other, alhamdulillah. I wrote this to appreciate his existence and patience. The lyrics were written by me. Tapi wawa taknak pressure tu sorang sorang, so wawa letak nama akwa sekali. haha. I don't know what I did to deserve you, Akwa but syukur awak ada dalam rezeki saya. Wawa taksure lagu ni akan ada music video tak sebab memang lagu ni zero budget. So, I compile these clips for me and akwa to watch in the future just in case kalau kitaorang memang tak berkesempatan to make an official music video. Thank you Kak Ika and Abang Azahari for approving this song to be released as another single of mine. Semoga ada rezeki untuk lagu ni dan semoga ada di dalam lagu ini jadi doa untuk kami berdua dan awak semua juga. Amiin. I hope you enjoy listening to it. Thank you for being so nice to me eh korang. Stay safe and stay real, everyone!

Song: Kau Buat Aku
Composer: Akwa Arifin
Lyricists: Najwa Latif & Akwa Arifin
Arrangement: Akwa Arifin
Mixing: Akwa Arifin
Mastering: Akwa Arifin
Copyright: NL Entertainment